Reopening Precautions and Information

Reopening Precautions and Information

Dear Fibre Community,

We are very excited to be opening our store up again for customers! However, as safety is still very much a concern, we have decided to proceed cautiously to minimize risks and ensure that we are complying with the state mandated rules and regulations. While we know that to some, our precautions may seem a bit excessive, we take the safety of our employees and customers very seriously, especially as many of our customers are in more at-risk groups. To that end, we have decided on a list of rules. If you are planning a trip to see us, please review them carefully, and let us know if you have any questions. 


  1. Wear a mask at all times. Our employees will also be masked while they are serving you. 
  2. We are restricting visits to 25 minute personal shopping appointments. This is to ensure that as many people as possible are able to visit the shop while coming into contact with as few people as possible.  Please be aware of the time restrictions when shopping. It is important that we stick to the schedule because we will be disinfecting the shop between appointments. 
  3. As much as possible, please try to remain the recommended 6 feet away from everyone at all times. 
  4. Please do not make an appointment just to browse. We hate to discourage browsing, and in normal times we welcome it, but it is not fair to others who want a chance to come in and look for yarn. We are not requiring you to make a purchase, but we do ask that you come with the intention to do so. If you end up not being able to find exactly what you want, that is fine. 
  5. If possible, please come prepared by doing “homework” for what you want to purchase (bringing a pattern, browsing our website, etc.) This will help you be able to complete all your shopping within the time limit. If there is something we can help you do to prepare, such as printing out a pattern, feel free to let us know. 
  6. Unfortunately, in most cases, we cannot accommodate knitting or crocheting help during personal shopping appointments. This is due to our need to be socially distancing as much as possible. If you have an issue with a project, call or email us and we will try our best to accommodate you if we can. 
  7. To start out, we are only allowing one appointment per person to ensure that everyone gets a chance. If you have already had one appointment and would like to schedule another, please call us first to discuss it, and we will work something out based on our availability. 
  8. When you arrive for your shopping appointment, please wait outside until we let you in. This is to ensure you do not enter before we are finished disinfecting. Additionally, please keep in mind that if you arrive late, it is unlikely that we will be able to let you stay beyond your appointed time. 
  9. If at all possible, please pay with contactless payment, or credit/debit card. Checks are also preferable to cash, but we will accept cash if necessary.  


Additional information

  • For most of the lockdown, our parking lot has been closed down. We have talked to the township and our understanding is that the parking lot will open back up on June 4th. However, if that’s not the case, we will be in contact with everyone who makes an appointment to ensure that you know where exactly to park. 
  • To help avoid unnecessary contact, we will not be punching Frequent Shopper cards at the moment, but will instead be keeping track of any punches you earn with our computer system. This means that for the duration of these precautions, you must be in our computer system to receive a punch on your card. No matter which way you receive your punches, you can still redeem your card(s) for a discount once you reach 10 punches. 


Thank you for doing your best to help keep everyone safe and well. If you have any questions about these guidelines, or if you would like to know more about how exactly we are working to keep everyone safe, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to seeing you all again soon. 

-The Purls Team

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